Frequently Asked Questions

What is the platform for?

It gives the community a central hub for all aspects of community life – it does that by including LISTINGS for the businesses, clubs and other community organisations, as well as easy and direct access to other useful information.

Who can have a LISTING on the platform?

LISTINGS on the platform will be limited to organisations in the local area unless the Area Administrator (whose details can be found in the Privacy Policy) agrees otherwise.

If you require further details, please contact the Area Administrator by clicking on “Contact” at the foot of the Manager Website.

What types of listing are available on the platform?

The types of listing to be made available on an installation are chosen from a menu of available listing types. You will find details of the types that the Area Administrator (whose details can be found in the Privacy Policy) has chosen for this particular installation from the dropdown menu at "Account Type" when creating a new ACCOUNT on the Manager Website. The menu of available listing types includes:-

(a) free COMMUNITY listings for clubs, schools and other not-for-profit organisations;

(b) free STANDARD listings for commercial businesses; and

(b) ENHANCED listings for commercial businesses - these are designed to be paid-for on a monthly subscription basis but, on this installation, the Area Administrator (whose details can be found in the Privacy Policy) may have opted to offer them for free, either permanently or temporarily.

What is a COMMUNITY listing and & how do I set one up?

A free COMMUNITY listing is available to most not-for-profit organisations. It features (a) an image (which can be a photograph or a logo); (b) one touch phone dialling; (c) one touch emailing; (d) one touch access to the lister’s website; (e) a long description (of up to 2,000 characters); (f) the ability to advertise EVENTS (including associated imagery); (g) the ability to make POSTS (including associated imagery) to communicate with members, etc; (h) a full postal address; (i) relevant times information; (j) a link to Google Maps showing the lister’s location; (k) links to the lister’s own social media on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube; and (l) sharing functionality (enabling users to share details of the lister’s offering).

To set up a COMMUNITY listing, the lister first applies to open an ACCOUNT of the corresponding type via the Manager Website (a link to that appears as “Manager” in the footer of the Community Website). Details about the lister and the principal point of contact (called the Account Administrator) are entered and submitted to the Area Administrator for approval. If the Area Administrator approves the application, the ACCOUNT is opened and the lister is advised automatically by email. If the Area Administrator rejects the application, the lister is advised automatically by email.

Once the ACCOUNT is open, the Account Administrator can sign into it from the Manager Website, compile the COMMUNITY listing and submit it to the Area Administrator for approval. If the Area Administrator approves the COMMUNITY listing, it is published on the platform and the lister is advised automatically by email. If the Area Administrator rejects the COMMUNITY listing, the lister is advised automatically by email.

After first publication, all responsibility for the content of the COMMUNITY listing is with the Account Administrator. Save for any EVENTS that the lister may apply to include in the WHAT'S ON, no content is subject to pre-publication approval by the Area Administrator after that time.

Will EVENTS that I add to my COMMUNITY listing also be included in the WHAT'S ON?


If the Area Administrator (whose details can be found in the Privacy Policy) has opted to allow it on the platform, EVENTS submitted by listers with COMMUNITY listings may appear in the WHAT’S ON subject to pre-publication approval by the Area Administrator on an EVENT by EVENT basis. If that facility is available on this installation, it will be offered as an option when a new EVENT is being added to a COMMUNITY listing.

Can the Account Administrator add other users to the ACCOUNT and set different authority levels for them?

Yes - this is done via the "Users" page of the ACCOUNT.

The Account Administrator simply adds the details of each new user and selects the appropriate "Role": (a) ADMINISTRATORS have full editing rights on the ACCOUNT and all LISTINGS in it - they also have full approval rights, allowing them to authorise changes that will appear on the platform (b) USERS+ have no editing or approval rights on the ACCOUNT or LISTINGS, but they do have full editing and approval rights on DEALS, EVENTS and POSTS (c) USERS have no editing or approval rights on the ACCOUNT or LISTINGS and, although they have full editing rights on DEALS, EVENTS and POSTS, any additions or changes they make will not go live on the platform until they have been approved by an Administrator or a User+.

What is a STANDARD listing and & how do I set one up?

If the Area Administrator (whose details can be found in the Privacy Policy) has opted to allow it on the platform, a free STANDARD listing is available for commercial businesses. It features (a) one touch phone dialling; (b) one touch emailing; (c) a full postal address; (d) a link to Google Maps showing the Lister’s location; and (e) sharing functionality (enabling users to share details of the lister’s offering).

To set up a STANDARD listing, the lister first applies to open an ACCOUNT of the corresponding type via the Manager Website (a link to that appears as “Manager” in the footer of the Community Website). Details about the lister and the principal point of contact (called the Account Administrator) are entered and submitted to the Area Administrator for approval. If the Area Administrator approves the application, the ACCOUNT is opened and the lister is advised automatically by email. If the Area Administrator rejects the application, the lister is advised automatically by email.

Once the ACCOUNT is open, the Account Administrator can sign into it from the Manager Website, compile the STANDARD listing and submit it to the Area Administrator for approval. If the Area Administrator approves the STANDARD listing, it is published on the platform and the lister is advised automatically by email. If the Area Administrator rejects the STANDARD listing, the lister is advised automatically by email.

After first publication, all responsibility for the content of the STANDARD listing is with the Account Administrator. No content is subject to pre-publication approval by the Area Administrator after that time.

What is an ENHANCED listing and & how do I set one up?

If the Area Administrator (whose details can be found in the Privacy Policy) has opted to allow it on the platform, an ENHANCED listing is available as a premium-level listing for commercial businesses on the platform. It features (a) an image (which can be a photograph or a logo); (b) one touch phone dialling; (c) one touch emailing; (d) one touch access to the lister’s website; (e) a long description (of up to 2,000 characters); (f) the ability to advertise DEALS (including associated imagery); (g) the ability to advertise EVENTS (including associated imagery); (h) the ability to make POSTS (including associated imagery) to communicate with customers/potential customers; (i) a full postal address; (j) opening hours information; (k) a link to Google Maps showing the lister’s location; (l) links to the lister’s own social media on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube; and (m) sharing functionality (enabling users to share details of the lister’s offering).

To set up an ENHANCED listing, the lister first applies to open an ACCOUNT of the corresponding type via the Manager Website (a link to that appears as “Manager” in the footer of the Community Website). Details about the lister and the principal point of contact (called the Account Administrator) are entered and submitted to the Area Administrator for approval. If the Area Administrator approves the application, the ACCOUNT is opened and the lister is advised automatically by email. If the Area Administrator rejects the application, the lister is advised automatically by email.

Once the ACCOUNT is open, the Account Administrator can sign into it from the Manager Website and compile and submit the ENHANCED listing.

What happens next depends upon whether or not the Area Administrator has an online checkout for taking payment of any fees due for an ENHANCED listing. If there is no online checkout: (a) the submitted ENHANCED listing will be sent to the Area Administrator for approval; (b) if the Area Administrator approves the ENHANCED listing, it will contact the lister to discuss any associated costs and payment arrangements before any charge is incurred - once those are agreed, the Area Administrator will publish the ENHANCED listing on the platform and the lister will be advised automatically by email; and (c) if the Area Administrator rejects the ENHANCED listing, the lister will be advised automatically by email. If there is an online checkout: (a) the lister will be asked to make payment at the online checkout after submitting its ENHANCED listing; (b) the ENHANCED listing will go live immediately payment is made; (c) the subscription fee for the ENHANCED listing will payable monthly in advance; and (d) there will be no set-up costs and the subscription can be cancelled at any time (and, if that happens, no further subscription payments will be due and the ENHANCED listing will be deleted from the platform at the end of that calendar month).

All responsibility for the content of the ENHANCED listing is with the Account Administrator. Save where there is no online checkout and save for any EVENTS that the lister may apply to include in the WHAT'S ON, no content is subject to pre-publication approval by the Area Administrator.

What is a PARTNER’S LOGO & how do I set one up?

A PARTNER’S LOGO is a form of display advertising that sits at the bottom of the Community Website and the HOME page of the Apps. It can be set-up with a “click-through” to the advertiser’s own website or splash page. It is not necessary to have a listing to be able to have your PARTNER’S LOGO included.

To set up a PARTNER’S LOGO and for pricing information, please contact the Area Administrator by clicking on “Contact” at the foot of the Manager Website.

Do I need to have an ACCOUNT or LISTING if I just want to publicise a one-off Public Event in the WHAT’S ON?

No. Navigate to the WHAT’S ON section of the Community Website, click on the “Submit Public Event” icon and follow the onscreen instructions.

Normally, there is no cost involved for including a one-off Public Event in the WHAT'S ON but the Area Administrator will contact you about that before any charge is incurred.

Do I need to have an ACCOUNT or LISTING if I just want to include a story in the NEWS section?

No. Navigate to the NEWS section of the Community Website, click on the “Submit News Item” icon and follow the onscreen instructions.

Normally, there is no cost involved for including a story in the NEWS section but the Area Administrator will contact you about that before any charge is incurred.

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