Frock n Wellies

Frock n Wellies

I am committed to help the community and look after our environment through the gardening services that I offer. Professional and friendly garden maintenance will keep your garden looking great. Or you can choose to work with me side by side in your own garden, learn along the way and save money!

All my garden design, editing and landscaping work is tailored to your needs. For every step you need help with, you can choose: to leave it to the pro | do it side by side | or do it together, virtually. Transparent and flexible package options leave you in control of the budget. Choose your package up front, or let it develop as we go along.

Just like my lovely clients, I believe in true equality. Not all households or community groups have the means to create the garden they deserve. So, I work on a buy 3 donate 1 basis. For every three hours of paid work, I volunteer 1. Together we bring life into gardens!

Katrina | frock n wellies

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