Huntly Community Council
We are statutorily included in the consultation process for all planning applications affecting Huntly, consulted on Council policies and work with other local organisations and businesses for the betterment of the town.
The Council meets on the third Thursday of every month except December, July and August. We meet in the Stewarts Hall, Huntly, or via Zoom. Meetings are open to members of the public and Aberdeenshire Ward Councillor’s for the Huntly area are in attendance.
Community Councillors raise issues on behalf of any local residents and lobby authorities on matters affecting the town. We run various initiatives, including the Garden Competition, Themed Shop Window displays, Litter Picks, the recent World War I Commemoration Event and the volunteer-led Tourist Information Hub in the Brander Building.
The Community Council work closely with other Huntly organisations and are part of the Town Team initiative looking at ways of rejuvenating the town centre and leisure facilities. We administer a Microgrant scheme funded from the Vattenfall Clashindarroch Windfarm Fund awarding grants to assist local groups and individuals with their projects.
Minutes of the meetings and the list of members are displayed on the noticeboard at the Stewarts Hall, on Huntly Community Council's Facebook page, on the Experience Huntly App and are also available in the Huntly Library.
The Community Council welcomes applications for new Members including Junior Members aged 14+.
Office Bearers:
Chairperson: Tony Gill
Vice-Chairperson: Hazel McIntosh
Treasurer: Hazel McIntosh
Secretary: Kelly Gatenby
Huntly Community Council can be contacted by email or via our Facebook page.