Since 2011, with both a successful choir and a musical theatre group, Aurora has been giving...
We connect artists, communities and places through creative research and engagement. "The town is...
Friends of Guiding (FOG) is a group of parents and carers of girls who attend one of the Huntly...
The Friends of Jubilee Hospital, Huntly is a charitable organisation dedicated to helping raise...
Friends of the Stewarts Hall raise funds to ensure the maintenance and renovation of the Stewarts...
Gartly Community Association (GCA) was established in 2014 with the following principal...
Glass Community Association is a registered charity (SCIO) with the following purposes: 1) The...
We support all businesses large and small in Huntly and the surrounding areas. We aim to provide a...
Huntly Development Trust (HDT) is an ambitious community-owned company and charity working with...
We are a community group which promotes social and environmental justice by raising awareness of...
Multi function venue. Bar, music and comedy space hosting a wide variety of live events.
A community drumming group for ages 18+ to learn West African Drum Rhythms for fun and performance
Free entry. Free snacks. Ages 13 - 18 years. Email Vicky Briggs for consent form. Email, text...
Toddler group meeting every Thursday at Rannes Hall, Kennethmont 9.30am-11.30am (including school...
The aims of Room to Grow are: * To utilise the gardens of council houses in Huntly and other...